Anjolie's Wish Wig Fundraiser

This event has already passed

Please join us Saturday Feb 3rd. for a special fundraising event dedicated to Anjolie Blanco. Anjolie's story touched our hearts, so we wanted do something special for her to raise money and awareness for Alopecia & combat bullying in schools.

Day of Shopping, Treats, DJ & Guest Speakers with Raffle Prizes!
Raffle tickets: 2 for $5 or 5 for $20

Shop in the Courtyard on Saturday and a portion of proceeds will be donated from participating shops.

Participating Shops:

  • Bombshell Boutique
  • Couture Tan
  • Cali-Muscle
  • Stripes Boutique

Raffle prizes from:

  • Couture Tan
  • Khartoum Lounge
  • Just B Dance
  • Simply Smashing
  • Pallazi Salon
  • Pout Beauty & Embelish Lounge
  • Georgina Roadhouse Jamberry
  • Naked Lash
  • Jennifer Flora Stella & Dot
  • Snake & Butterfly

Funds in excess of the $2000 goal for Anjoie will be donated toward to support their anti-bullying initiatives.

There are going to be some great prizes. If you do nothing else this weekend, just come down and buy a raffle ticket for a big hearted cause.

Anjolie's Story:

In November 2016, I was diagnosed with Alopecia areata . Over the last year and a half it has gotten worse and worse. Since my diagnoses, I've lost more than half of my hair. Alopecia areata is a condtion that causes white blood cells to attack the hair follicles, which is why hair loss occurs. Since I've been diagnosed, I've experienced some very low and emotional times. I have learned a lot about myself and strengths I didn't know I had. With your donations, I will have the opportunity to buy my wish wig. Realistic looking and comfortable wigs made from real hair are very expensive. The goal for my wish wig $2000, hopefully we can raise more to help another cause very dear to me. The excess proceeds will go to a non-profit anti-bullying organization located in the bay area

Thank you so much for your support! or
venmo: Anjolie Wishwig@wishwig

Event Details

Starts at:
301 E Campbell Ave
Campbell, CA 95008